11 Famous People Who Make Positive Use of Social Media

By definition, celebrities attract attention from all around the globe, gain a large following on social media, and thus have enormous influence. However, as has often been noted, tremendous power also with enormous responsibility. Thankfully, some of these well-known people are aware of this and take use of it. They do more with their influence than merely tweet the mundane happenings from their day. Instead, they really make an effort to improve the world. These ten celebs are excellent Positive Use of Social Media users. 

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John Legend

John Legend is a sincere individual. It is evident in his community involvement more than anything else. You can hear it in his music and read it in his lyrics. The Grammy Award-winning musician is a vocal supporter of The Show Me Campaign and often shares its content on social media. The program, spearheaded by Legend himself, seeks to guarantee that every kid in America obtains a top-notch education. Legend also tackles problems in the criminal justice system that impact the underprivileged and impoverished, collaborating with organizations like New Profit, Teach for America, Teach for All, and Harlem Village Academies. 

Positive Use of Social Media

He updates his followers on current happenings in addition to campaign promotion. Legend utilizes his position to educate the public about issues ranging from tragedies involving animal abuse to news about inmates being granted the ability to vote again.

Alicia Keys

It’s visible in her Twitter bio. Alicia Keys characterizes herself as “passionate about my work, in love with my family, and dedicated to spreading light.” as well as bringing attention to her efforts with Keep a Child Alive. Along with raising funds and awareness to help the fight against HIV/AIDS, the worldwide R&B singer works with the South African charity to provide its kids with basic necessities like food and housing. 

In addition to providing information about the group on social media, she is renowned for sharing inspirational sayings and endorsing causes close to her heart, such the HBO documentary Southern Rites, which explores the integration of segregated proms in Montgomery County, Georgia.

Longoria Eva

Champion Eva Longoria is. She relentlessly works to increase the exposure of ethnic groups in Hollywood via her production business Unbelievable Entertainment, whose shows, like Devious Maids, she consistently tweets about. In addition, she actively promotes her own foundation, which goes by the name of its own. Through the Eva Longoria Foundation, Longoria aims to empower young Latinas in particular and assist them in creating better and more promising futures by offering professional guidance and educational scholarships. 

Furthermore, she doesn’t only focus on her own organizations when it comes to advocating for the issues she supports. Longoria has supported Holly Robinson Peete’s Hollyrod on social media, which aids people with autism and Parkinson’s illness. Additionally, as her fans are well aware, she is always promoting Food Chains, a documentary about agricultural labor that she co-produced with Forest Whitaker.

Rashida Jones ” Positive Use of Social Media “

Rashida Jones, the daughter of Quincy Jones and Peggy Lipton, seems to have had a fortunate and fortunate existence. But she doesn’t consider any of it a given. The actress utilizes her notoriety to advocate for causes close to her heart, particularly humanitarian problems. As a fervent supporter of the International Rescue Committee, Jones not only alerts her audience to disasters occurring across the globe, but she actively visits the world’s poorest regions to provide assistance to refugees displaced by these crises. Most notably, Jones worked with the IRC to provide food and water to over 8,000 people while residing in the refugee camps along Thailand’s border with Burma.

Emma Watson

It’s not by accident that Emma Watson is the UN Women Goodwill Ambassador. She is in this role because it is clear that she is deeply committed to gender equality and women’s rights. We’d find it hard to think you missed her advocacy for the UN Women’s HeForShe campaign, a solidarity movement, even if you’re an infrequent social media user. She not only keeps promoting conversations about gender equality on Twitter, but she also made an incredible statement on her cause at the UN. “Rather than two sets of diametrically opposed ideals, it is time that we all perceive gender on a spectrum,” the speaker said. We can all be more free if we stop defining each other by what we are not and instead begin defining ourselves by who we are. This is the idea behind HeForShe. It has to do with freedom.

Leonardo DiCaprio

Not only is Leo DiCaprio one of Hollywood’s most desirable bachelors, but he’s also a major activist in the industry. Almost entirely, the self-described environmentalist utilizes his social media platform to further issues that he supports. DiCaprio promotes his LD Foundation on a daily basis. He is the producer of Virunga, a documentary about protecting the last remaining mountain gorillas in the world, and The 11th Hour, a documentary concerning catastrophic species extinction and worldwide deforestation. His organization, which bears his name, aims to save the lives of the people who live in the world’s ecosystems and prevent them from being destroyed.

Hiddleston, Tom

Tom Hiddleston became America’s latest fascination in a matter of years, going from being an unknown British actor to Ryan Gosling’s secondary partner. The Avengers actor is now using his celebrity to further the causes he believes in. As a UNICEF supporter, Hiddleston exhorts his fans to help underprivileged kids everywhere. He has most recently advocated for the victims of Cyclone Pam in Vanuatu and the earthquake in Nepal. Additionally, he takes great pride in endorsing friends’ charitable endeavors, including Emma Watson’s HeForShe initiative.

Ruffalo Mark

Who knew that The Hulk was the most endearing of all the Avengers? Renowned feminist Mark Ruffalo has long been an advocate for environmental sustainability. The New Yorker is a vocal opponent of hydraulic fracturing both online and in person. She has even narrated a movie on the subject. He is also a member of The Solutions Project’s Board of Directors, which aims to accelerate the shift to 100% clean and renewable energy by interacting with people on as many platforms as possible, supporting digital innovators who are contributing to the cause and pushing legislative changes.

The Dwayne Johnson

Dwayne Johnson, who was once a problematic young man with several charges, understands what it’s like to battle with self-belief and isn’t afraid to share about it on social media. It is also the reason he is such an advocate for at-risk kid assistance. Johnson has his own Rock Foundation, which supports the same cause, in addition to tweeting about his TNT series Wake Up Call and his forthcoming HBO documentary Rock and a Hard Place, all of which are essentially about showing problematic youth their potential for the future and how to improve themselves.

The tale of Charlotte and Gwyneth Gray, two little children who were both given the uncommon degenerative brain illness Batten disease, recently touched him as well. In an effort to discover a treatmCena Johnatten disease, he and fellow wrestler John Cena urge his fans to make donations to the Charlotte and Gwyneth Gray Foundation.

John Cena

As the rugged professional wrestler that he is, John Cena stood out in Amy Schumer’s Trainwreck—unexpectedly, not for his enormous muscles but rather for his tenderness and sense of humor. In real life, Cena appears to be the same sort of guy—someone who tweets inspirational sayings to inspire people’s self-worth and to feel passionate about their country. What then is his area of passion? assisting needy ill children. In addition to advocating for the discovery of a treatment for Batten disease, Cenac is a fervent supporter of his own followers, having granted more than 500 Make-A-Wish dreams to far.

Allen Jared

Jared Allen is not only a superb football player—a defensive end for the Carolina Panthers, to be exact—but he also supports our military personnel. He was among the select few who, in 2009, were flown to the Middle East on an NFL-USO trip to meet with American military members. His enthusiasm for our armed services led him to start Homes for Wounded Warriors, a nonprofit. Allen, whose younger brother is presently a Marine and whose grandpa spent 23 years in the Marine Corps, ensures that veterans have a good residence to return to by creating new homes or renovating their existing ones via his company. 

He tweets about his charity on a regular basis, as do his famous friends who also endorse it. More than that, however, he uses moving images and videos of his interactions with veterans to highlight his support for the armed forces. His efforts have not gone unappreciated. Allen received the Salute to Service Award at the fourth annual NFL Honors ceremony earlier this year.

His meticulous research and storytelling prowess have earned him a reputation for creating vivid, compelling narratives that resonate with readers. When not writing, he enjoys delving into rare historical archives and mentoring aspiring writers.

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